Friday, March 9, 2012

So Proud of Team Red

This year I am fortunate to be Team Red Captain for the Kansas City Tour de Cure. I wasn't sure I wanted to take on the duties of a team captain, but I'm sure glad I did.

I am so proud that our little team has already grown to 15 members. Nationally the goal is to get 25 members for every Team Red. We are well on our way. And, not that I have much to do with it yet, but our team is currently the top fundraising team in our category. Great work folks!

With the tour kickoff still 10 days away Team Red is only going to get bigger and better!

Team Red was started by Colorado rider Mari Ruddy. Mari has been a type 1 Diabetic for more than 25 years and she started the team as a way to recognize diabetics and friends and family of diabetics who ride in the Tour de Cure.

I have personally discovered what Mari already knows - riding is a great way to control blood sugars and be as healthy was we can be. It's also a heck of a lot of fun.

Here's more about Mari and Team Red

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