The first thing people tell you when you are buying clipless pedals is that you are going to fall. The second thing they tell you is that it's going to be okay.
They are right on both accounts.
I have had clipless pedals for months now, and I've managed to avoid the embarrassment of falling over at a stop sign after forgetting to clip out. Almost, but it's never happened. I call this "pulling an Artie Johnson." Check out a re-run of Laugh-In if you don't know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, here's my story. Amy and I were riding the Indian Creek bike path. We were (of course) almost done with our ride, and I came to a muddy spot under an overpass (at Wornall Road). I was helping her navigate through the mud, reminding her to be careful, when it happened. After the overpass there is a short, steep incline. I down shifted a couple of gears and stood up for the climb. Halfway up the hill my bike suddenly downshifted again, twice, by itself. I came to a complete stop, and went over on my left side before I could clip out. I got my left foot out about one-half second before hitting the ground, but my right foot was still clipped in for the whole thing.
In the end, my first fall was almost a non-event. I did not hurt at all. When you are stopped, you are less than three feet from the ground when you finally pass the point of no return. It was more of a hard sit than a fall. The bike also helps to cushion the fall by directing you down and away from the point of impact rather than directly down.
I have a bit of road rash on my left shin. I'm certainly glad I was wearing gloves, or I would have road rash on my left palm. I knew enough not to try and absorb all the impact with my hand, instead using my forearm. I'm sure I'll be a bit sore tomorrow, but all-in-all it went pretty well.
Amy said it looked impressive on any account.
I feel like I should make up a merit badge for myself.
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