Thursday, March 8, 2012

Great article on the benefits of cycling

This is a great article about cycling (despite the fact that it's from the University Daily Kansan and I went to Mizzou). All kidding aside, it raises some good points about why cycling can be a lifelong activity unlike its cousin in suffering - running. It quotes an interesting study from South Africa that found riders only begin to lose speed at age 55 compared to age 32 for other action sports.

So, not that we need another reason to just get on the bike, but here's one anyway:

Start Cycling Now! Or, In 30 Years |

1 comment:

  1. Cycling is really so nice exercise ,and it was the most effective exercise for loosing weight.It burn the extra amount of fat from the body and create more stamina.It is nice for building the body.It make the body fit and toned shape.
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